18 Jan

There is a popular belief in people that rain washes off your car. However, the fact is, it does exactly the opposite. Rainwater is slightly acidic in nature which can actually damage your car’s window panes and paintwork. That’s why it is quite necessary for your car to get a good car wash whenever it rains.
Apart from its acidic nature, rainwater contains many mineral contaminants that can cause harm to the exterior of your car. If the rainwater left unwashed for a fair amount of time, it will weaken your car’s coating, leading to rust. This can be severe if your any car has scratches or a dent in their body beforehand. Rainwater finds its way into these scratches, diluting the paint and leading to larger chips. Moreover, rainwater will always leave water-spots if it gets soaked under sunlight.
However, a full-service soapy hand car wash is always the preferred option to remove rain water’s contaminants and dirt from the surface of your car.
Thus, always take your car to an expert car wash after any rain fall & keep your car not only visually fresh, but staying fresh from the core for a longer period of time.